Dance / Music Room

“Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them – a world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music.”

Gerald R. Ford

Young children aren’t just comforted by music, they pick-up on the tones and unknowingly recognise different frequencies and melodies, too. By the time they are toddlers, they’ve instinctively developed the ability to identify tunes (tone, rhythm and melody). And this goes hand-in-hand with their language ability and development.

Learning music can be a good choice to make a career in it. One can make his career in music teaching, music director for movies and television, musician in events and concerts, singing in live events and movies and albums. Not only in career but music plays a vital role in making your child’s health good as well.

The various health benefits:

  • Relieves from depression
  • Stimulates memories
  • Elevates mood
  • Makes heart healthy
  • Relaxes mind
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Increases focus and concentration
  • Helps in academics

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