Smart Room

 A right learning happens with audio-visual tools and so we have Smart boards installed to make the teaching and training sessions more interactive, illustrative and interesting. In this modern world, when students get attached to technology so soon, smart board teaching has proved to be a boon for an educational institution.

Features of Smart Class rooms-

  • Descriptive text incorporating images, videos, facts, figures and data related to the lesson.
  • Activities after every lesson which enables student to develop high order thinking skills and make their base strong.
  • Smart boards are integrated with internet facilitating the teacher to incorporate scientific experiments and mathematical problems.
  • Highly integrated English tools empowering tutor to build rich vocabulary and strengthen grammar skills.
  • Software enables teacher to record the lecture which can be well utilized by absentees and can also be used as a reviewing tool before examination.
  • Creating e-folios and project calendars.
  • Incorporates a tool which equips tutor to prepare lessons at home and present the same in the class.

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